
精油对神经系统的作用(一)---韩国Hong Keun(David) Oh 吴洪根 博士的演讲

时间:2020-05-13 02:10:55     浏览量:1799     字号:



专家介绍:韩国Hong Keun (David)Oh 中文名吴洪根博士 韩国芳香疗法学会会长



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做为一名医学教授、执业医师和自然疗法医生,我一直在医院从事临床治疗,治疗了很多病人。我使用的药物,既有西药,又有精油。我擅长的治疗领域,其中就有精神反常(Mental Disorders, 大多翻译为精神疾病,这种翻译法不准确,精神疾病是Mental illness or Disease。译者),例如睡眠反常,抑郁,焦虑等。用芳香疗法诊治精神反常和疾病,我有丰富的经验和临床案例。

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Hello! I am very pleased to come here and to see you. I would like to thanks for invitation to staffs of this affair and conference. Also it is much happy and enjoyable for me to join this big world aroma exhibition and conference.


I have been practicing at hospital and treated many sick persons as a medical doctor and professor also as a natural healing doctor. I have used not only drugs but also aromatic oils. One of my major speciality is mental disorders, like sleep disorder, depression, anxiety-panic state and so on. So I have a lot experiences and clinical cases of mental diseases with aromatherapy.


By this my background, I will speech my topic more to focus on our brain and nervous system which aromatic essential oils affect and working on.


Generally aromatherapy has its unique and basic medicinal characters.Most fundamental one is sedation effect. Aromatic smells induce usimmediate calming and peaceful state. Typical case is curing insomnia.I will discuss how and why aroma oils work it later The 2th important action of oils are uplifting immunity in our body. All our diseases are occurred by lack of immunity. Aromatic oils have top-down order system from brain to terminal organs in body. It means aroma

stimulates neuro-chemical pathway at brain and to immune system of the body and finally cure colds. Other benefits of aromatherapy are rare toxicity or no sides. More than one oils is better potent power is also advantage of aromatherapy(synGrgy effect).


Our doctors like to choose aromatherapy as a complementarymedicine on treatment of infection, inflammation, skin care and atopy.Also stress, depression, anxiety and diabetes, hypertension must beindicated in aromatherapy


Many highly advanced technology of Brain studies help to find brain pathology and disorders including diagnosis and treatment MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), PET(Positron Emission Tomograpy), CT(Computed Tomograpy), SPECT(single -photon emission computed tomography)

These tools corperate to find out how aromatic essential oils work upon nerve system and what area of brain involved.


For example, PET(Positron Emission Tomograpy) imaginates colorful pictures that lavender oil touches each brain areas includes hypothalamic area of brain via olfactory nerve and limbic system.

Combination of SPECT(single -photon emission computed tomography)and MRI are also tracing aroma oils work by three dimentional imaging.


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